Friday, March 16, 2012

Online Learning in Rural Schools

Hi Class,

               I read about the use of online courses in rural areas in the article, "Rural Districts Bolster Choices with Online Learning," by Don W. Brown.  This article discussed how rural areas are incorporating online courses into their schools to benefit students.  Brown details 4 different districts and their experience with online course integration.  These districts all varied in the number of students, from about 280 up to 1300.  
The online courses do provide challenges for some students.  Sue Bowers, who is in charge of monitoring students, noted: "The scheduling piece is most difficult for the students. If the course does not generate a pacing chart, be sure to have them build one with due dates for assignments and tests. I review the pacing charts with every student individually each Friday...Without consistent support, students may fall so far behind, they give up" (Brown, 2012). Knowing this is an issue helps the districts deal with the problems ahead of time by helping the kids stay on track.  
Although challenges come along with utilizing online courses at schools, the advantages appear to outweigh the speed bumps.  One student mentioned that he could not get into a 4-year University without an extra year of Spanish classes, which was not offered by his school.  . He was able to take the course for credit online so that he could apply to the Universities he wanted.  In rural areas with smaller staffs, not all the courses that students need or want are available.  Providing online opportunities gives students these benefits. These courses are also used for credit recovery to help students graduate on time. 
Schools with limited resources are finding ways to improve opportunities for students with technology.  Integrating the choice of using online courses to complete credits or get ahead is a great way for students to get more out of their education.  Many rural schools are finding ways to help students with these choices.  Although there are some roadblocks, the districts are catching the problems and working to keep students on track.  I think that this is going to start catching on much more across the nation, and I am excited to see the opportunities grow. 

Thanks for reading!  

Kimberly Taron

Reference: Brown, D. W. (2012). Rural districts bolster choices with online learning . Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(6), Retrieved from

Monday, March 12, 2012

Common Core Standards - Advantages and Road Blocks

Hi Everyone,

I watched the video about the Elementary School level of implementing the Common Core Standards. The Common Core Standards-which are put in place to help students with college and career readiness skills-seem to have a lot of support from the educators across the nation.   The standards are meant to help students really internalize what they are learning.   There are certain domains that are focused on based on the grade (example shown below). 


 I think that the main advantage of the core standards is that the nation will have a common set of standards in its schools that need to be met so that all students are given an equal opportunity in their future.  It gives the schools around the nation one common goal, which I think is really great.  The standards holds teachers accountable for their jobs and also give them the tools they need to make sure that they are on track.  I think that adhering to a nation-wide set of standards rather than state-wide is a way to unify our nation and the opportunities that we are providing for future generations.   

Although I see the benefits of the standards, I do see how there could be potential road blocks associated with them as well.  Personally, I could see how a teacher could feel that their freedom to be creative in the classroom with their lessons is no longer there.  It seems that the standards that must be met will overtake the need to be creative with learning.  I think this is something that teachers will need to be innovative with so that they can find ways to still incorporate their own fun ideas into the implementation of the standards in the classroom.  

What do you think?

Video: Click here!

Thanks for reading!

Kimberly Taron

Monday, March 5, 2012

Computational Thinking: A Digital Age Skill for Everyone

Hi Class, 

The article "Computational Thinking: A Digital Age Skill for Everyone, by David Barr, John Harrison, and Leslie Conery, discusses both the definition and the importance of computational thinking in the classroom.  The article describes computational thinking as a problem-solving process that uses tools such as a computer to most efficiently and effectively solve a problem.   After reading this article, I can definitely see why computational thinking is an important part of education.      
            We have so many technology tools around us that to me, it would be a crime to not take advantage of the assistance they provide-especially with problem solving.  We are at the point where most of us can not get through a day without the use of a computer or similar device.  They have become an integral part of our lives.  By using computational thinking skills in the classroom, we are giving kids the opportunity to use these problem-solving tools for life.  It is inevitable that technology will continue to grow, so why would we not embed it into the classroom learning? 
            In life outside the classroom students will need to learn how to solve problems in a more efficient way than to just follow a step-by-step, linear math problem.  In the future, students will need to look at problems in a way that they can solve them without a linear equation.  They must be able to use other tools to create a new way of looking at a problem to solve it efficiently.  We need students in K-12 to be exposed to computational thinking in the classroom.   It is going to be an important tool in life and it only makes sense to take advantage of the tools we have to further our problem solving skills.  I think that schools are going to need to make a major effort to integrate computational thinking into all the subject matter in the classroom.  We need to keep up with technology if we want to give the opportunity for a bright future to our children.   

Thanks for reading! 

Kimberly Taron


Barrl, D., Harrision, J. and Conery, L. (2011, March/April). Computaional Thinking: a Digital Age Skill for Everyone, 38 (1)